Cattle in a field

TASAH – TB Biosecurity Review

Introduction to the Targeted Advisory Service on Animal Health (TASAH) and training opportunities for veterinary practitioners working in the area of TB eradication.

The TB Biosecurity TASAH consult was previously available to herds following a TB breakdown and it still is.  However, it is now being extended and offered to those farms deemed ‘High-risk’, but are not currently experiencing a TB Breakdown. This programme expansion is aimed at preventing TB breakdowns in high-risk herds. These herds will be contacted by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and will be invited to participate in the TB Biosecurity TASAH consult.

The objective of the consult is to offer farmers TB biosecurity advice from a TB TASAH trained veterinary practitioner which the farmer nominates. Following the consult the veterinary practitioner will recommend farm specific biosecurity measures around wildlife, livestock and farm management.  If you are a vet and were previously trained, it is not mandatory for you to attend one of these upcoming online training sessions, but if you would like to refresh your knowledge please feel free to register.

The online training for the TB Biosecurity TASAH consists of three modules and will be available on the following dates in 2024:

  • Wednesday 29th May 10am – 1pm.
  • Thursday 6th June 2pm – 5pm.
  • Wednesday 30th October 10am – 1pm.

Module One

  • An overview of bovine TB in Ireland.
  • Information about the new TB biosecurity TASAH.
  • Where we are at in relation to current bovine TB trends and the challenges involved in achieving eradication, and the impact of bovine TB at a national and a farm level.
  • An overview and update of the bovine TB eradication programme and the key principles involved which include surveillance of TB, Badger vaccination programme and the DAFM epidemiological visit post TB breakdown.

Module 2 will focus on biosecurity and understanding the bovine TB risks, while managing and reducing these risks.

Module 3 will outline what a TB Biosecurity TASAH farm visit will involve and advice on how to communicate these risks to farmers and the importance of a cooperative approach in achieving a successful outcome.

To register for the training click here.

CVE credits TBC.

For farmers wishing to avail of this service and nominate a trained veterinary practitioner click here.

Ireland’s European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes 2014–2020 logo, The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development logo.