
Pig HealthCheck Biosecurity Review (TASAH)

A TASAH-funded review of herd biosecurity, delivered by a trained veterinary practitioner, is available to all commercial pig units.

The review will follow a standard approach (Biocheck; Ghent University) to assess both external bisoecurity (measures to prevent disease entering a unit) and internal biosecurity (measures to prevent disease spreading within a unit) under the following headings:

External Biosecurity

  1. Purchase of animals and semen
  2. Transport of animals, removal of manure and dead animals
  3. Feed, water and equipment supply
  4. Personnel and visitors
  5. Vermin and bird control
  6. Environment and region

Internal Biosecurity

  1. Disease management
  2. Farrowing and suckling period
  3. Nursery Unit
  4. Fattening Unit
  5. Measures between compartments and the use of equipment
  6. Cleaning and disinfection

As part of the review, up to three achievable measures to improve biosecurity will be agreed for implementation, with a farm-level report provided.

Over time, the information will also be used to allow units to bench mark their external and internal scores and sub-scores against other units on an anonymised basis. Periodic repeating of the review will also allow progress over time to be measured.

To request a Biosecurity Review, please contact a trained veterinary practitioner or Animal Health Ireland.

A map containing all participating veterinary practitioners is available below.