Parasite Control TASAH Consult (Cattle & Sheep)

As part of the Targeted Advisory Service on Animal Health (TASAH), a Parasite Control TASAH consult, between trained veterinary practitioners and their clients was available for 2022 and 2023. the programme is now complete and will not be continuing in 2024. This was a free and voluntary programme supported as part of the Rural Development Plan 2014-2022, co-funded by the Irish government and the EU. All Irish herds and flocks were eligible to take part in the programme.

Antiparasitic resistance is an increasing concern in livestock farming. Resistance is present when a medicine does not kill the target parasites as expected. Every time animals are treated with an anthelmintic (wormer), there is a risk of selecting for resistant worms. Therefore, alternate methods of controlling worms in livestock that do not rely only on dosing (e.g. herd or flock health plans, grazing management) should be considered. Multiple factors contribute to the increased risk of resistance and parasite control planning should try to address these where possible. Parasite control planning should be tailored to individual farms and adapted when needed to changing conditions.

Parasite Control Consult

The purpose of the Parasite Control TASAH was to facilitate discussions and planning between farmers and their veterinary practitioners on the best practices around parasite control with the long view of minimising the further development of anthelmintic resistance.  The TASAH funded a veterinary farm visit and two faecal egg counts.

The data obtained through the consults will provide anonymous information on parasite control practices on Irish farms. This is extremely useful to help guide best practice advice in Ireland for sustainable parasite control in light of anthelmintic resistance.

As part of the programme, participating Veterinary practitioners underwent training relating to parasite control. Even through the programme is now completed, the veterinary practitioners will still be able to apply their knowledge and skills to individual farmers.

A map containing all participating veterinary practitioners is available to view below.