Sustainable Agriculture
Animal Health Ireland’s mission is “To contribute to an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable farming and agri-food sector through improved animal health and welfare”.
In addition to the direct animal health benefits delivered by our programmes and activities, these also contribute directly or indirectly to a series of sustainability goals prioritised by our members (including the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine) and highlighted in a recent farmer survey.
These are detailed in a number of strategy documents and action plans, and given effect by our membership of a number of stakeholder groups and programmes addressing these issues.
Key strategy documents and action plans
- Animal Health Surveillance Strategy 2023-2028
- National Farmed Animal Health Strategy
- Irish National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (iNAP2) (2021-2025)
- Irish National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (iNAP) (2017-2020)
- Climate Action Plan 2021]
- Food Vision 2030 – A World Leader in Sustainable Food Systems
- Antiparasitic Resistance Action Plan (2021-2025). AHI has contributed to a series of actions as part of this action plan.
- AgClimatise: A Roadmap towards Climate Neutrality. The majority of the measures listed under Action 5 on Animal Health are being addressed through existing or developing AHI programmes and activities. The goal of increasing the proportion of herds engaged in milk recording (Action 3) is also a key element of our CellCheck programme.
- National Farmed Animal Biosecurity Strategy (2021-2024)
- Ireland’s Animal Welfare Strategy (2021-2025)
- Bovine TB Eradication Strategy- a roadmap to reduce bovine TB and drive towards eradication (2021-2030).
Stakeholder groups and programmes
- Activities contributing to the sustainability of the beef sector
- National Interdepartmental AMR Consultative Committee
- iNAP Animal Health Implementation Committee
- Antiparasitic Resistance Stakeholder Committee
- Calf Stakeholder Forum
- Dairy Sustainability Forum
- TB Forum. AHI is a member of the Forum and its Implementation Working Group.
- Signpost Programme. AHI is a sponsor of this Teagasc-led to support climate action by Irish farmers, with the main goals of reduce gaseous emissions from Irish agriculture, while creating more profitable and sustainable farming enterprises.
- Food Vision Dairy Group AHI is a member of this Group established by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with the initial priority, in line with the Food Vision 2030 strategy, to “produce a detailed plan by Q2 2022 to manage the sustainable environmental footprint of the dairy sector”. Follow link for a copy of the published report, including references to animal health measures.
- Food Vision Beef and Sheep Group Animal Health Ireland is a member of this Group established by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine with the initial priority, in line with the Food Vision 2030 strategy, to “provide an initial report to the Minister by end of September setting out how emissions associated with the beef sector can be reduced; with a final plan to be submitted by the end of November 2022. Follow link for a copy of the published report, including references to animal health measures.