Beef Healthcheck Report

Beef HealthCheck Online

For every batch of cattle slaughtered at a Beef HealthCheck participating factory, farmers will receive a report indicating a disease score relating to any liver and lung conditions present at slaughter.

An example of the report and brief explanation of the scoring system is available here.

Beef HealthCheck Online is an online dashboard for farmers and their veterinary practitioners to search and analyse health and disease information from slaughtered cattle at a herd level. The report data for all batches of cattle sent to slaughter since the start of the programme in 2016 are available to farmers online. A booklet and video to help farmers to access and interpret the information and share it with their veterinary practitioner is available.

Guide to viewing Beef HealthCheck data on ICBF Booklet

Beef HealthCheck Online can be accessed free of charge through the ICBF website.