TB Biosecurity Review (TASAH)

TB Biosecurity TASAH is a collaborative biosecurity programme offered to farmers by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, in association with Animal Health Ireland and carried out by Private Veterinary Practitioners.  The TB Biosecurity farm visit is fully funded through the TASAH mechanism under the Rural Development Programme.

The objective of the programme is for farmers to receive TB biosecurity advice from a TB TASAH trained Veterinary Practitioner.  The implementation of farm specific TB biosecurity recommendations will reduce the risk of bovine TB on the farm.

The farmer nominates a TB TASAH trained PVP to conducts the biosecurity farm visit, and they will discuss together TB risk reduction measures that could be practically introduced onto the farm.

The TB Biosecurity TASAH programme has two herd categories.

  • Herds that have recently experienced a TB breakdown. These farmers will be invited to participate by the Department Veterinary Inspector during the epidemiology visit after a TB breakdown.
  • Herds that have not experienced a TB breakdown but have been identified as having ‘TB risk factors’ commonly associated with a TB Breakdown, for example large herd size. These herds will be contacted by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and invited to participate in the programme.

Veterinary practitioners will be contacted by Animal Health Ireland when they have been nominated by a farmer to conduct a biosecurity farm visit. Following the farm visit the PVP must complete the assessment form giving five practical recommendations in relation to biosecurity on the farm. These recommendations must be submitted to AHI within one month of the date of nomination.

Farmers wishing to nominate a trained veterinary practitioner please select your region in the map of trained veterinary practitioners below and contact your preferred veterinary practitioner.

Request a TB Biosecurity TASAH Application here


A map containing all participating veterinary practitioners is available below.