Review and Planning Graphic

Review and Planning

Each herd should set a specific time that suits to review and plan

Mastitis management and SCC levels should be reviewed constantly throughout the lactation as preventing clinical cases and lowering SCC requires constant attention — it is important not to take your eye off the ball, even when reaching goals.


Specific time should also be set aside each year to review and plan mastitis management for the coming lactation.  It is also important to assign time to carry out farm maintenance on areas that can reduce mastitis risk in the future.  This set time may be the dry period for seasonal herds or alternatively any convenient time for all year round herds.

Farmers should make a time to review cow numbers, and set in place a purchase strategy for buying new cows. SCC, mastitis history and health status should be fully reviewed for all cows coming into the herd.


Guideline 21 — Buying cows – check histories and examine udders

Guideline 22 — Set a time to do annual mastitis control activities and review achievements

Guideline 23 — Sign on for milk recording

Guideline 24 — Review farm records

Guideline 25 — Test, service and upgrade milking machines

Guideline 26 — Service teat spray units and review teat disinfectant to be used

Guideline 27 — Fix areas that make udders muddy and dirty