Your VRAMP requirements for 2023

The Irish Johne’s Control Programme (IJCP) requires participating herds to complete an annual veterinary risk assessment and management plan (VRAMP).  For dairy herds, this is fully funded under the IJCP programme by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Under the programme the VRAMP is completed by your nominated veterinary practitioner.

The exception to this requirement are herds who in 2023 are in year four or year five of the test negative pathway. These are herds since 2019 have completed three previous VRAMPs. If unsure about your requirement to complete either a VRAMP (or a whole herd test) in 2023 please consult your vet who can help and advise you.

The ICBF screen for the Johne’s programme for every participating herd ( displays whether a VRAMP or whole herd test is required or funded, exempted, or already completed.

A VRAMP can be done at anytime of the year but our experience suggests that most farmers and vets find it most convenient to complete during the winter housing period. However it is best done before calving to allow time to make changes. Calving is when you can make most impact on reducing the spread of Johne’s disease.

When completing your VRAMP with your veterinary practitioner, you will review the risk factors for Johne’s  disease in the herd, and decide on three actions you can take to reduce the spread of infection into or within your herd.

These actions will improve the general health of your calves and cows in regard to other animal health diseases, not just Johne’s disease, so you can expect benefits in animal health, welfare and production too.

NOTE: You will not receive testing assistance from your milk processor if the VRAMP is not done.

The advantages of participating in the IJCP to you as a herd owner are well documented in that you can cost effectively reduce the likelihood and impact of Johne’s disease in your herd. To find out more see ’10 good reasons’ for being in the Irish Johne’s Control Programme.

Call your vet now to arrange your 2023 VRAMP.